One site getting attention is, which claims to sell camping equipment. Let’s find out if it’s legit or just another scam.
What is says it’s a store for outdoor gear like tents, bedrolls, and tools. The site looks attractive at first because of its wide range of products and low prices.
But when you take a closer look, there are some big problems.
The website’s design is messy and hard to use, with low-quality pictures and poor organization.
This lack of effort makes it seem unprofessional, which might reflect the company’s trustworthiness.
On top of that, many of the products are overpriced compared to other trusted stores.
For example, items like tripod seats cost much more here, which raises questions about the site’s intentions.

Our Review shows several warning signs that make it hard to trust.
The pricing is one major issue. Some items are marked at extremely high prices, while others are too cheap to be believable. Both tactics can be used to trick buyers.
The lack of transparency is another problem. The contact details on the site, like the address and phone number, seem fake.
The address points to a house instead of a business, and the phone number doesn’t work.
Even the parent company, MML Mixed Investments LLC, can’t be verified, which makes the site seem even less reliable.
Another concern is the lack of customer reviews.
Trusted websites usually have feedback on sites like Trustpilot or Reddit. doesn’t have any, making it hard to trust their claims.
This could mean it’s a new scam or that they’re avoiding attention.
Lastly, the website design looks outdated and unprofessional. Legit companies usually invest in good design to build trust.’s poor layout makes it look untrustworthy.
In our opinion, is risky. Its questionable prices, fake contact details, and lack of reviews suggest it’s not safe.
We recommend staying away from this site to avoid losing money.
What to Do If You Get Scammed?
If you’ve been scammed on a site like, act fast to protect yourself.
First, contact your bank or payment provider. If you paid by credit card, request a chargeback. If you used PayPal, file a dispute through their resolution center.
Next, report the scam to local authorities or online fraud agencies. Sharing your experience can help others avoid the same problem.
Finally, watch your accounts closely for any unusual activity. For future purchases, stick to trusted websites with good reviews and clear refund policies.
Roamix Vision 4K is promoted as a cheaper option compared to expensive action cameras like GoPro.
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